


Password: atl2ed4b

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  • Note that this needs to be the Canadian supplier (.ca; not .com), otherwise the contents cannot be delivered from the American supplier.
  • All orders on Amazon can vary in time to deliver, so be mindful that the contents could take anywhere from a few days to as long as 2-3 weeks depending on the specified supplier within Amazon.
  • Ensure that the reviews are read for the supplier providing the items desired (e.g., brain-teaser books).
  • Also, be sure to look for the paid invoice that will be located in the e-mail, as well as the packing slip included in the shipment.
  • If items are not what were desired or were defective, you can request a refund order (with appropriate reasoning), but the contents will need to be shipped back to the supplier at the cost of the customer (e.g., the PI).