Want to get involved in research at SPRQL? The lab offers a world-class training environment for future psychological scientists, because lab members gain extensive experience in multi-person psychophysiology, dyadic and longitudinal methods, and advanced statistical training.
Undergraduate Research Assistants
Current University of Toronto undergraduates are eligible to volunteer in SPRQL as a Research Assistants. As a Research Assistant, you will receive formal training in Biosafety and Research Ethics in addition to learning how to administer informed consent and debriefing, administer research protocols with human participants, collect physiological data from participants, and post-process or “code” both physiological and video data. Research Assistants are expected to volunteer for 10 hours per week.
If you are a current University of Toronto undergraduate and want to volunteer in SPRQL, then please submit the Research Assistant Application. After you submit the application, then you will go through an initial screening process. The SPRQL Lab Manager will email you within 72 hours of when you submit the application to let you know whether or not you passed the initial screening. If so, then your application will be entered into a database for Dr. Page-Gould and other SPRQL Principal Investigators to view when they need new Research Assistants.
Graduate Students
SPRQL graduate students are mentored directly by Dr. Elizabeth Page-Gould. SPRQL Graduate Students are provided with office space and full access to SPRQL Research Facilities, which enables advanced longitudinal and multi-person studies that combine self-report, physiological, and behavioural measurements. SPRQL Graduate Students also receive theoretical and practical research training in social psychology, psychophysiology, and advanced statistical methods. SPRQL Graduate Students also receive extensive professional development from Dr. Page-Gould and the other University of Toronto faculty who are involved with the Social/Personality Interest Group.
If you would like to apply to work with Dr. Page-Gould, then you must submit an application to the University of Toronto Psychology Department. The application deadline is usually December 1st. Be sure to mention “Elizabeth Page-Gould” directly by name in your academic interest statement to ensure that Dr. Page-Gould reviews your application. In your academic interest statement, also be sure to explain how your research interests fit with Dr. Page-Gould’s program of research, as the top applicants will have research interests that are closely aligned with Dr. Page-Gould’s interests. You can find more information about Dr. Page-Gould’s research interests by reading her publications.