Elizabeth Page-Gould has been appointed as an Associate Editor of Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology (CRSP). Sponsored by the European Association for Social Psychology and the Society for Australian Social Psychology, CRSP is a new journal designed to challenge traditional models of scientific reporting by embracing new and innovative approaches to publication in science. CRSP will only publish registered reports, whereby authors submit the introduction, methods, and data analysis plans for an initial round of peer review. The peer review process will focus on the scientific merit and proposed research methods. High-quality submissions will receive an “In-Principle Acceptance,” and the authors will collect their data subsequent to receiving the In-Principle Acceptance. Authors will then write the results and discussion sections and submit the full manuscript for a second round of review. Introduction sections may not change between the initial and secondary review. The second round of review will be mostly done by the original reviewers and will be focused on adherence to the original claims. Exploratory analyses can be included in the full manuscript, because they will be acknowledged as the results of post-hoc hypotheses. Ultimately, the goal for CRSP is to improve the impact and replicability of social psychological science by changing the incentive structures inherent in traditional publishing models. Elizabeth Page-Gould is very proud to serve as one of the founding Associate Editors of CRSP.